

Sakura mochi


This is a cherry tree, and it still has some leaves.



30 more pages

to finish reading this book. My handmade bookmark is a perfect size for this book.

Dish towel

which I made today.


This morning,it was soooo freezing in my town! I hate cold.


Kuma bookmark

Around 3 am.

I was still shovelling the snow.

Last November



Basil and mint

I got some basil seeds, when I had my studless tires chaged last november. Also, I snipped a mint stem from our garden. It's been about 3 months, but they aren't growing well. Ummmm...


Beads worked button

Tommorow is Valentine's Day, so I made this heart shaped bead button. Ummmm, it's not so cool!


I bought this issue today from an on-line shop. Michele Obama's clothes look much more gorgeous than what I saw on TV. Also, their daughters clothes are so lovely. I did not like the lime suits, because her bum looked bigger than real. Today, I realized that the fabric was so gorgeous. ...etc....I think that these designders whom Michele chose were very lucky, because they suddenly became very famous and richer.(???)


Honey soap

While watching TV, I saw some honey soap, which were very expensive . I still have some soap kit and some honey, I made this honey soap. I think that this is better than a harbal soap which I made the other day.

Bear applequed book mark

I made this book mark today. It took only 5 minutes to make this. It's very easy to make! I should make another fabric book mark.


Fun with chocolate!

I decorated this chocolate with some confetti, white chocolate, and some other foods. It is cute, isn't it?




I wanted to make a bear face toast, but I think that it seems like a rabit. Don't you think so?

Magnet snap

I bought some magnet snaps a couple of months ago, but I have never used them before. I attached these snaps inside the eco-friendly tote which I made the other day.



Obama cookies

I made these cookies tonight. I wanted make some Obama cookies, but I don't think that they look like Mr. & Mrs. Obama.

Kurumi button

which I made today. What shall I make with it?


Bead worked fabric covered button

I made this kurumi button, or a fabric covered button today. Ummmm... It is worse than what I expected!


Seafood rolled sushi for Setsubun

Setsubun(Eve of the first day of spring)

Oniwa soto, fukuwa uchi( evil is out, fortune is in!) On Setsubun, we scatter beans to chase demons out and summon good luck.When I was a kid, we scattered beans. Now we just eat beans Ehoumaki(fortune direction rolled sushi?) and Iwashi(fish).


After the rain,

It was very mild and rained last week. The next day it became cold us usual, so the road became icy and slippery. Walking and driving on a icy slippery road is sooooo scary!

Eco-friendly tote bag 2009,Feb, 1st

3, I wanted to use same fabric as the beige side, but I changed my mind. When I thought about Obama, I remembered that I have a US flag bandanna. So, I used this bandanna for the other side. I used some quilt batting to reinforce this bag. This is not so cool, but this is only one in the world. So, it is not so bad.(?)
2, While I was stitching some dusters and some kitchen towels several days ago, I suddenly wanted to make a hand stitched tote bag. Then, I looked into a closet to find some fabrics. I found this beige cotton fabric. I thought it is perfect for hand stitching, because its textile is very coarse. And I was right. Yeah! I again made a playful childish tote bag.

1,I appliqueted this fabric label which my sister gave me last year.