
The first snow

3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


i hope it will snow on christmas this year. i haven`t experienced snow on christmas for 6-7 years in a row now~

kuma さんのコメント...

HuanHuan, Although I live in Hokkaido, we have less snow each year because of blobal warming effect. I have water proof illuminations, so I shoud decorate them on the pine tree.???

匿名 さんのコメント...

i love christmas decorations^^ it makes everything look so festive and heartwarming^^

i even love christmas more than my own birthday^^
choosing presents for friends always makes me happy.

When i went to "butlers" a few weeks ago, they had table-christmas-trees in stock. i think i`ll go and get one of them soon^^