
Happy Canada Day!

This is my handmade luncheon mat.
This morning I knew that yesterday was Canada Day. I wonder how they cerebrate , and what they eat on that day. I will check it out later. Happy Canada Day!

4 件のコメント:

6wings さんのコメント...

Oh you made it? Nice work!

I don't think there are any particular foods that everyone eats on Canada Day. But I think many cities hold an event in one of their parks. There are various activities but one of the main themes is the celebration of multiculturalism. So for example Japanese-Canadians might operate a food tent or Italian-Canadians might do a cultural display or Native Canadians might perform traditional dancing. Things like that.

And usually at night there will be a fireworks display.

kuma さんのコメント...

muticuture! interesting!

匿名 さんのコメント...

In and around Vancouver there are many different events at parks. For example, in Richmond there is the Salmon Festival - a parade of different floats and at the park there are games, amusement rides, food stalls, cultural demonstrations and other activities. At night, there is a fireworks show.

kuma さんのコメント...

To Anonymous,
Thank you very much for the comment.It's very interesting!