Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the US, so I looked for some Thanksgiving dinner recipes. Most of the recipes made my mouth water. Some years ago, I bought a cheap tiny cranberry plant, which was only 498yen( It's about 5 dollars). It didn't grow well, and I only got 3 berries from the plant. During the winter, I didn't protect it for the cold. Therefore,it I died! I have never seen any fresh cranberries in my town. I can buy dried ones. I don't think I can buy turky in my town.....We only have pumpkins at our home, so I made some tiny pumpkin puddings. I wanted to go shopping to buy some walnuts for topping, but I didn't.... Anyway, they turned out good.
History of the Cranberry(I found this from one of my books.)
Pilgrims found a small, sour, red berry, which they called "cranberry" because is drooping, arched blossoms reminded them of the long neck and head of the crane, a well-known bird in Europe. The word cranberry comes from a partial translation of Low German, "Kraanbere."
....It's interesting, isn't it? Did you know it?
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